Mind, Body & Hippie Soul Support

$99.00 / month

If you sign up or order by the 20th of the month, you will automatically receive the next month’s oil and your jar of Melt Into Zzz. If however you sign up between the 21st – 31st, it will be the following month, before you receive physical product (shipping time frames). You will have immediate access to the life-coaching, the meditations and the education.



Join our monthly coaching offering! Each month you will receive on jar of Melt Into Zzz for sleep support. A monthly life coaching module with a live zoom call. Access to a new monthly meditation. Education around the monthly essential oil (and safe essential oil use in general). Access to our private members only Facebook Group. You can purchase your oils from us or sign up directly. We will be announcing the oil for the next month on our private FB group.