What Is the Autumnal Equinox?
The autumnal equinox is an astronomical event that marks the start of autumn (or “fall”). In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal equinox occurs in September — this year it is September 22, 2022. Numerologically that is a number one day which is all about new beginnings. Perfect! There is so much motivation and momentum surrounding this single-digit number. The number 1 represents newness, movement, and the possibilities that await us. In spiritual symbolism, it is the number of creation and the birth of all things — the divine origin of the universe.
The fall equinox has been a day of celebration for cultures since ancient days. People tracked the transitions of the Earth’s journeys around the Sun. At Machu Picchu in Peru, an ancient stone monument called Intihuatana—which means “Hitching Post of the Sun”—serves as a solar clock to mark the dates of the equinoxes and solstices. In Mexico, the Mayans built a giant pyramid called Chichen Itza. On the equinoxes, it looks as if a snake made of light slithers down the pyramid’s steps. In England, Stonehenge was also built with the equinoxes and solstices in mind.

After a very long hot summer when our first triple digit day began in May and there are a handful left on my weather app … the feeling of fall, is actually seeing the daytime temps drop below 100°, for consecutive days in a row. The rest of the country is talking sweater weather, and I am just thinking, when can I stop running the A/C 24/7?? Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons (ok in Phoenix we have two seasons, hot and not so hot) … I do love pumpkin, cooking Thanksgiving dinner, my mom’s birthday is in October, my son’s birthday is in November, so our official holiday kick-off season is right before Halloween — coincidently when temps start to cool, and you can actually wear a long sleeved shirt.
Ancient cultures, modern cultures, we are fascinated by nature and the changing of the seasons. In Phoenix, if we want to witness leaves changing, we need to drive up north to Sedona or Flagstaff. Ours don’t change until January!
There are many ways to get into that “fall” mood. I actually do a deep fall clean of my space. I spend all summer with the windows closed up tight, so when the temperatures allow it, I open them and let in some fresh air. I switch up my diffuser routine, I start adding warmer scents, like Thieves®, Abundance®, Cinnamon Bark, Nutmeg, Orange, Patchouli and Ginger. I love love love our Hippie Soul blend in the diffusers right now. I also burn more incense in the fall, because I can open windows, and let my prayers drift up to heaven. I switch up my self care routine a bit, and change up the bath salts I am using or essential oils in my bath and in my body spray (similar to perfume, but I use oils). I am looking forward to being able to use the oven and roast some root vegetables!
What are some of your favorite fall activities or rituals? Comment below and let us know!!