Where Does The Time Go?
Summer is almost over. For those of us who live in the low deserts of the southwest this is welcome news! To begin with, the 100+ degree weather nearing an end! This generally means calmer dispositions, kids and grandkids off to school, some time for reflection, and catching up on all those things we have put off “until it cools down”.
Then we have that list of “things”… you know the one.
Vacuuming the floor boards
Washing the windows
Finding all the missing socks
Get out the THIEVES® Household Cleaner!!

A capful in the laundry (stinky socks or other stinky things) I also like to add a few drops of Lemon essential oil or Purification essential oil.
A capful in the dishwasher (at least once a week) helps to keep the soap scum down also Lemon in here so you don’t need the JetDry chemical nonsense on your dishes.
A capful in 4 cups of water for the windows and mirrors, so shiny and sparkly!
So many ways to use THHC I even use it to clean the car after a road trip.
I even took some down to the church during Vacation Bible School, because well, the whole bleach thing.
Not only does the house/car/laundry smell great, but there are absolutely no chemicals to irritate the skin, brain or sinuses!
I kept Thieves® essential oil going in my diffusers during the pandemic, I felt safer. I did vaccinate, tried to do “all” the right things, masks, hand washing (with Thieves hand soap), and am happy to say did not get sick.
Precaution is always best and Thieves Essential Oil made it easier.
I might have a sample for the first five people to comment on this blog … try it, you will love it!!

Great blog!! I love the smell of it in my diffuser, never tried it for cleaning! 😊