Thieves® Household cleaner is one of my favorite Young Living products!
Add it to your laundry (I toss in a capful), use it in the kitchen (diluted in a spray bottle), bathroom, great on countertops and mirrors, pet oops, kid oops, patio cleanups, washing your car, you name it, and Thieves® Household Cleaner can clean it!
This great cleaner is a de-greaser, sanitizer, odor minimizer, AND best of all non-toxic.
A Little Anecdote —

Not too long ago I was given the opportunity to volunteer at our church’s Vacation Bible School.
To my surprise I was assigned to the kitchen, knowing that I am not the chef in the family, it tickled my funny bone. But as an adult raised by the “pull up yourself by your boot straps and get on with the job at hand” teachings from the Midwest farm community of the early to mid 1900’s, I got those boot straps pulled up and jumped in, doing whatever was asked to get the snacks and lunches out.
Going into someone else’s kitchen is always a challenge. Not being able to find a sanitizing agent for the countertops, I opted to bring in a spray bottle of THIEVES® household cleaner the following day.
Speaking with one of my co-volunteers the following day I stated that I could not find any countertop sanitizer, the return comment was, “I just use Clorox!” (Clorox crosses the blood brain barrier, and so use around food prep is not strongly recommended)
After I was revived and standing upright again, I staggered over to the shelf where I had placed my Thieves® bottle. “please, use this instead” I pleaded and stated the advantages — great cleaner, degreaser, sanitizer, order minimizer, AND non-toxic!
There is now a permanent bottle of THEIVES® HOUSEHOLD CLEANER on the shelf in the kitchen for all to use.
One little capful, in the dishwasher, in your laundry, in a re-useable spray bottle — smells so sweet!