I am currently working on a chapter for a second compilation book. Not gonna lie, it is hard. I like to talk, educate on oils, educate on herbs, do a little life-coaching here and there, but writing, well, a bit more of a chore since there is no give and take, no feedback. No conversation. So I have to call the fam and read it out loud to them … then fret and worry. I have to deal with self-doubt. Ick

Here is an excerpt from my chapter —
What is prosperity? Honestly, when I considered contributing to this book my first thought was, I don’t have a big enough dollar figure in the bank to talk about it. And besides, what could I possibly say about the subject that seven thousand other people have not said already? Doubt and fear – my two least favorite things – crept in, and I had to take a hard look at them and ask, “Where is this coming from?” I needed to remind myself that prosperity is a frame of mind, a way of being.
When you give in to fear and doubt, what does that feel like? How do I transmute that energy and move it into a more productive way of being. Sometimes i put on the dance mix, and move my body, get a little crazy. Sometimes, I put on the chanting music, and chant away. Sometimes I mix up the oils in my diffuser (or just huff directly from the bottle)

It is super hard to be in a bad mood when smelling lemon. This oil is cleansing to both the mind & spirit; it releases patterning and opens the heart center, which results in joy and hopefulness with clear thought. Who couldn’t use just a bit more of that?