We are bringing a new product into our vending and in-person events. The iTOVi uses Galvanic Skin Response as a unique scientific measure, valued for its ability to produce individualized, quantifiable data on physiological and psychological responses.

You are electric! The human body and nearly all its functions rely on its ability to generate, conduct, and resist electrical currents. Centuries of research on bioelectricity has led to some of the most significant technological advances in the medical history and iTOVi is proud to be a part of this growing frontier! Download this free resource guide to learn about the exciting and diverse field of bioelectricity!
Come and see us at booth 408 at the azwomensexpo this weekend. We will have the scanner, jars of Melt Into Zzz, essential oils for sale, 15 minute herbal consultations or intuitive readings, 15 minute life coaching assessments or toe readings, books, body sprays, aroma jewelry and so much more!!